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Mr. Rawson's Class Website

Welcome to

Rawson Class Website @ Springdale

Hey Everyone!!  Welcome to our class website!! I'm glad you are going to be in my class this year! I am looking forward to great year!!

A bit about me, I have 3 boys, Jonah, Sammy and Sibonelo. Jonah is 16 years old and starting grade 12. Sammy has a very special story as we will discuss together.  Sibonelo joined our family in February 2018 when we were fortunate to complete his adoption.  We are thrilled to have him as part of our family.  He is in grade 5 the year!


Thanks for coming to our site.  We are going to use this website a lot so get used to finding it and using it.  We will use it to do all kinds of things like post homework, let your family know what happened in our class, find helpful websites, and articles and connect to our google classroom.  


One really important part of our website is to help your families know what is happening in our class.  Your job is to make sure that your families know about this site and check it regularly.  It is not a secret! No more going home and saying nothing happened at school today!


We are learning together so this site will change and grow as we need it to during the year.  Check in daily and use our website as a tool to keep you informed, interested and organized. 

Looking forward to the rest of the year!!


Mr. Rawson.

Rawson Class Website @ Springdale

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